

Successfully raise a Resilient child being a Resilient parent

Most of my friends and family say it’s quite challenging to raise a Resilient kid, who is very stubborn to give up or set back things. But I speak as a parent when you are much stubborn about your child’s mood, how can you expect your kid to be resilient. First try yourself to be a resilient parent to raise a resilient kid or child, as children are the just like shaping muds who need to be nurtured with instinct

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How To Teach Your Preschooler To Be Independent - San Jose Childcare Blog

How To Teach Your Preschooler To Be Independent

Have you ever given a thought to the amount of work that you do for your children, especially toddlers and preschoolers? If you begin to write everything down in a book, in all probability, the pages will get exhausted! Seriously, when we actually quantify the work, it begins to look humungous. Some unwarranted tension in the house! Right from picking up their toys after play, getting them ready, making them eat without making a mess, you can see work everywhere.

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How to best use screen time without getting your kid hooked

Too much screen-time is negatively affecting the health of our children. They’re growing up in an environment where they prioritize mobile devices over good old fashion playing in the garden. Screens have started to become a regular part of their daily routines. This has potential repercussions in terms of obesity, health problems and eye-sight issues. Kids can also start developing social challenges from a young age if they don’t put the screen down and go outside to play with other

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Here is how you raise children with Four C’s of Parenting

Parenting is a tough job, and no matter how adept you are at solving your life issues, parenting turns out to be a little hard cookie. We all want to excel as parents and we tend to go into an overdrive in the process. Though if one sits down to analyze it, there are basic details which are to be kept in mind. Your children are all decent ones and won’t need excesses to be dealt with. After all, not

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